
The English version of my books is coming soon...

Good morning,

I inform you that in the coming weeks the English language versions of my books, the novel Being a parent nowadays and the manual Fearless Parenting Method will be released.

At the moment the translations are still being processed but in the short term I will be able to let some people read them for free in preview, in order to have a simple opinion on the quality of the English version.

I therefore ask any interested parties to let me have their willingness to read one or both of them, by writing to and summarily indicating their linguistic skills (native speaker, bilingual, I have lived for n years in England, America …, any educational qualification, etc.).

The ideal profile of the reader I am looking for is that of an Italian-English bilingual person, or in any case with a solid knowledge of the English language, who is possibly a parent or in any case interested in the topics I deal with.

I will send the people with the best requirements a digital copy of the book(s) in English and a free copy of the same in Italian. At the end of the reading, I will ask the person(s) to report any inaccuracies found in the English text or parts that are not clear enough.

Subsequently, I will also give these people the definitive copy of the books published in English. Furthermore, I will also offer them a set of free pedagogical consultations via web conference and email, for a period of fifteen days.

I ask the courtesy of spreading the press release among friends and acquaintances.

I wish everyone a happy day.


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