Generally, when facing academic difficulties, nowadays, everyone immediately thinks about specific learning disorders (SLDs). Actually, they have almost always nothing to do with it.
Unfortunately, dyslexia has become very trendy, and as often happens in this field, people start seeing dyslexics everywhere. No different than how they saw hyperactive children everywhere fifteen years ago or autistic children in the previous decade.
These disorders certainly exist, and they deserve the utmost attention. However, it is essential not to be carried away by current trends.
When we refer to learning difficulties, we are talking about all the problems that make learning challenging for a person.
The causes of these difficulties are numerous; I’ll mention just a few to give an idea of how many factors can influence the effectiveness of learning:
• First of all, there are causes related to possible disorders, both specific and nonspecific:
Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs)
Attention disorders
Other types of disorders (e.g., Asperger’s syndrome, etc.)
• In addition to this, there are all the other possible causes:
Language difficulties
Poor habit of mental effort
Prevalent use of mechanical learning methods
Inadequate study techniques
Lack of stimuli in school engagement
All these aspects, to varying degrees, can contribute to generating difficulties in a child’s learning process.
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thank you for your post! Well, the most effective strategies depend on the kind of learning difficulties. People think previously about specific learning disorders, but there are also other kind of reasons for learning disabilities: hyperactivity,
attention disorders, poor habit of mental effort, ecc.
Literature make us know that things like using a meaningful learning method and adequate study techniques, or giving the child good stimuli in school engagement, are the simplest and useful strategies to create conditions to prevent and overcome any learning difficulties.
Another one powerful strategy is to use the group like a vehicle of learning: in fact, social relations impact very strongly on the quality of learning.
You can find other information on the page “learning difficulties”.
Have a nice day!