
SOS Parent is active

It is with great pleasure that I present this new service that I have activated on my website:

Parents have been asking me for a long time to be followed and supported remotely again in their educational choices. So, after getting organized, I reactivated the online consultancy service for parents.

This is a paid service that can be used via PC, smartphone or tablet.

To access you just need to go to the SOS Parent page via the button below and click on the green icon when I’m online.

However, if you want the certainty of meeting me at a specific time, then you can book an interview with me on the day you prefer.

The cost of the service is €. 1.20 per minute (first 3 minutes free); you can talk to me for as long as necessary to find a solution to your problem.

At the end of the conversation you will pay a price equal to the duration of the consultation, without any other additional costs.

I can’t wait to meet you, call now!


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